Bhutanese refugees find their future in Ohio

Jesuit Refugee Service/USA has longed worked with Bhutanese refugees. After being exiled in camps in eastern Nepal for seventeen years, they have been offered the chance of a new life through resettlement. These refugees were expelled from Bhutan in 1992 in a move intended to rid Bhutan of an ethnic minority whom the government viewed as a threat to national unity.The Dayton Daily News reports on Bhutanese refugees beginning a new life in Ohio.

Seven thousand miles from their ancestral home, Bhutanese refugees are tilling the good earth outside of Cleveland and making it bloom. To the astonishment of many, they are using the old ways to gain a fresh start in their new home.

Some see a model that could employ future waves of refugees — or at least other Bhutanese. By getting back to the land, a challenged immigrant group may be getting ahead.

Read the full story here. Learn more about the work of JRS/USA and Bhutanese refugees here.